Date: Saturday, December 14, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Sentinel Limousine Headquarters, 101 Hallene Road, Warwick, RI (Entrance on Evergreen Ave.)
Admission: One unwrapped toy
Pictures with Santa: Meet the big guy himself and capture some magical holiday moments! Photos by
K. Garcia Productions.
Meet Miss Rhode Island 2024, Ali Hornung: Get a photo with our state’s queen and learn more about her amazing foundation,
Glimmer of Hope.
Holiday Music:
Get into the Christmas Spirit with music by
WRIK Entertainment.
Stuff the Limo: Help us fill one of our luxurious stretch limousines with toys for local children battling cancer.
100% of collected toys and gifts will go directly to Glimmer of Hope Foundation, ensuring they reach children and families who need them most this holiday season.
We’re accepting donations NOW through December 14th! Drop off new, unwrapped toys at our headquarters anytime during business hours.
Not sure what to donate? Here are some popular gift ideas:
Your generosity will make a difference in the lives of children who need a little extra cheer this season.
Help us make this the biggest toy drive yet!
Share this event with friends and family.
RSVP on Facebook
to let us know you're coming!
Follow us on social media for updates, photos, and videos.
Bring your loved ones to the event and celebrate the season of giving with us.
At Sentinel Limousine, we believe in giving back to our community. The Stuff the Limo Toy Drive is more than just an event—it’s a way to spread hope, joy, and kindness during the holidays.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to celebrating with you on December 14th!
#StuffTheLimo2024 #SentinelLimousine #AGlimmerOfHope #HolidayToyDrive
Q: What is the Stuff the Limo Toy Drive?
A: It’s a holiday charity event hosted by Sentinel Limousine in partnership with Miss Rhode Island 2024 and Glimmer of Hope Foundation. The goal is to fill one of our stretch limousines with toys and gifts for children and their families battling cancer.
Q: When and where is the event?
A: The main event takes place on
Saturday, December 14, 2024, from
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Sentinel Limousine Headquarters, 101 Hallene Road, Warwick, RI.
Q: How can I participate?
A: Simply bring an unwrapped toy as your admission to the event! You can also drop off donations at our headquarters anytime during business hours from now through December 14th.
Q: What kind of gifts are you looking for?
A: We’re accepting new, unwrapped toys and gifts, including:
Q: Can I bring more than one gift?
A: Absolutely! The more, the merrier. Every donation helps us reach more children in need.
Q: Will there be activities at the event?
A: Yes! You can enjoy:
Q: Who will receive the donations?
A: 100% of toys and gifts collected will go directly to Glimmer of Hope Foundation, which supports children and families battling cancer.
Q: Do I need to RSVP?
A: Let us know you're coming by responding "Going" to our event page on Facebook!
Q: How can I spread the word about this event?
A: Share this event with friends and family, post about it on social media, and encourage others to donate or attend. Let’s make this toy drive one for the record books!
Q: I can’t make it to the event. Can I still donate?
A: Absolutely! Drop off your donation at Sentinel Limousine Headquarters anytime during business hours before December 14th.
If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us. Thank you for your support, and we can’t wait to see you on December 14th! 🎄🎁
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